
▼ 电梯在开门之前 ▲

Elevator上海 2022-06-09









📷 :猫十一


同时,我们也滋养并推出了唱片厂牌,DJ 导师和活动推广者;并在讲座和研讨会中分享过我们的所学所得;更有幸邀请到过我们深爱的来自世界各地的 DJ 们:从 Herrensauna 到 Hunee、Octo Octa 和 Eris Drew。能有这个大家庭,我们深感幸运,这也让我们心生鼓舞,我们感到被允许去做更远大的梦,并将它实现。

📷 :Brian Kleiber



2020年,Covid 让我们不得不歇业,当时我们没有尝试获取任何经济援助,并在接下来的一年还清了基本运转所产生的债务。

2021年,我们存够了钱,做了一直想做的事:进行一次大规模的场地翻新。电梯有了更大的舞池和新的 DJ 台,升级过的音响和灯光系统。崭新的跳舞体验让我们感到无比兴奋,就像即将到来的春天。






为将来的舞池助力!所有为筹款活动捐款的人都会收到一张电子卡券,等我们重新开放时,它可以兑换酒水。筹款专属优惠!无论您贡献多少,都将获得双倍面值的电子卡券:例如捐 100 元得 200 元的酒水









📷 4:Leo








📷:Betty Grace

ELEVATOR IS IN TROUBLE!  We need your help. 


Six years ago we started building a Shanghai home for dance music. 


Elevator is a space where anyone can go to connect with sound, space, themselves and others.  A world apart from reality where we can be whoever we want to be and live however we can imagine.  In 2022 this feels vitally necessary, and we want more than anything to continue to build this world, and to explore what it can become.


📷:Markovic Nebosja

Our journey up till now includes two venues (and a homeless period), hosting festival stages, markets, escape rooms, dance battles and drag balls.  

We've launched and nurtured labels, mentored DJs and promoters, and shared knowledge in talks and workshops.  We've been blessed to invite some of our favorite DJs from across the world, from Herrensauna to Hunee, Octo Octa and Eris Drew.  We are lucky to be home to an inspiring community of all kinds of people who push us dream big dreams and then to go after them.

📷 1、2、6 by 猫十一

📷 3、4、5 by Markovic Nebosja

Why crowdfunding now?

When Covid shut us down back in 2020, we did not receive any financial assistance and spent the following year paying back the expenses that accumulated during our closure.

Then in 2021 we saved up enough to follow a dream: a major renovation.  With a bigger dancefloor and a new DJ booth, and upgraded sound and lighting systems, we were beyond excited for spring sunshine with a better dancing experience. 

📷:Markovic Nebosja

We still are.  But our reserve funds are gone - like many small businesses, the current shutdown has hit us hard.   We still need to pay our staff’s salaries and our venue’s rent. We want to remain a space for everyone to dance and grow together, but it is difficult for us right now. We have exhausted our other options and we have decided to run a fundraising campaign.

📷:Markovic Nebosja

How can you help?  

Fuel up for future dancing!  Anyone who donates to our crowdfunding campaign will receive an electronic card that can be redeemed for drinks in the club when we finally reopen. 

Bonus! Whatever amount you contribute, you will receive double that amount in drinks (100RMB = 200RMB in drinks).

Scan the QR to help Elevator!

Long press the QR to buy a pre-charged discount drinks card and help the club. After Elevator reopens, you can show the card you bought to bar staff to redeem for drinks

If you are not able to give - NO WORRIES!  Just helping us to share this post is amazing. 


If you are in financial difficulty when we re-open but still want to come dance, please send us a message and we'll be happy to add you to the guest list.


Elevator has received so much [love, energy, emotion, talent, sweat] from Shanghai's scene.   


We have a lot more to give back. 


We hope this can be just a bumpy chapter in a longer story, and to see you on the dancefloor soon.

▼ 电梯加载回忆的过程... ▲

▼ ELEVATOR 本周暂停营业 ▲

因疫情防控要求,ELEVATOR 本周将继续暂停营业,


